The eve of switch on

18 Sep

I’ve been quiet over the last week as there hasn’t really been much to write about… I’ve pretty much just been reading my kindle all the time! 😉 But, 3 weeks after my operation, it will finally be time to switch on my cochlear implant tomorrow at 1:30. It’s fair to say that I’m getting quite nervous now. I’ve tried very hard to keep my expectations in check but it is hard not to let my imagination run away with me about all the things I’ll shortly be hearing. I’ve been chatting to people online who’ve had cochlear implants, including a guy in Australia who had his switch-on yesterday—and is doing amazingly well. I’ve found it really reassuring to discuss everything with people who have been there, done it and got the t-shirt (or the rechargeable battery pack to be more accurate…)

I had the first of my three visits this week to the hospital yesterday afternoon to see the consultant. This was the shortest appointment I think I’ve ever had… after over an hour’s wait we went in to the consulting room, where he had a quick look to see if the scar had healed ok, said everything was ‘perfect’ and away we went!

Tomorrow’s appointment should last a little bit longer than that… well it is scheduled to last for a couple of hours. We then go up again on Friday for a follow-up appointment, so, all-in-all, I’m clocking up the train miles. Chiltern rail should give me a loyalty discount!

We’re planning to make a video of the switch on which I’ll share bits of on the blog. I’ll do my best to update it tomorrow, though with everything else going on, it might be Friday before I next post. For the geeks amongst you who want to know exactly the type of implant I’m getting it is this one:

Wish me luck… 

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